In many TV reality shows (which I deplore) they have a “Confession Cam.” A soundproofed room where a contestant can go and just let it all out whether it be crying, ranting, homesickness, whatever. The confession cam exists for the sake of the audience and to create drama for the “narrative” of the show. But I’m sure it has a psychological benefit for the cast that would make anyone feel better.
I strongly suspect that a lot of workplace tension and stress could be relieved by providing employees a place to rant and rail as needed. Even for people who feel like they can say something to their supervisor or boss still have to show some restraint in how they say things and what they say. Being able to do it in private would help the person be totally honest instead of covering up what they really want to say in PC platitudes.
Not having to go to co-workers to vent would keep the peace. Instead of forming alliances and grudges against fellow employees; relationships in the workplace could remain civil and friendlier. This, I think, is very important because I have seen it happen (in more than one job) that things can quickly become an “Us vs. Them” situation. Sorry adults, you form cliques just as fast as any middle school student.
I know the question you really want to ask me is: Am I advocating for such a thing because I could really use one at the moment? And the answer to that is YES. I really think that if I were able to air my thoughts and frustrations unbridled my overall outlook would improve as would my patience. I’m willing to bet you would too. I’m wondering that if employers provided a workplace confessional that everyone would be a lot happier.