While shopping at my local bookstore I saw "Old Man's War" by John Scalzi. I read the first couple of pages and was hooked. Read the the first chapter on my way home and was blown away. Finished that book in a couple of days. TBH it's short. I need to read it again. It's possible it could replace my current favorite space book, "Ender's Game"/"Speaker for the Dead" but let's not get ahead of ourselves. "Old Man's War" is a masterclass in character, action, and world building. I want to study this book.
I love Scalzi's snarky tone. Which I thought was indicative of the main character, John Perry. And it is, but it is the John Scalzi way of writing (and living if his Twitter account is any indication.) The Interdependency trilogy has the same tone all the way through it too. This style may get on some people's nerves but I love it. I really appreciate his direct writing style - and then there was an explosion. Could be boring, but it's all about timing. It avoids confusion and that is something to be appreciated.
I plan on writing more about the trilogy as well as "Old Man's War" but for now I wanted to put it out in the universe that I'm really enjoying my chance discovery. I'm off to get the follow up to "Old Man's War" which is called "The Ghost Brigades." Happy reading!