So since these stories exist to show how Elbie interact with people I thought I would just give you a quick reference guide. If you have any follow up questions please send me an e-mail or find me on Twitter.
The Basics
Elbie can transfer from human to human easily. An Elbie will switch hosts many times until they find a person that they can work with.
Elbie can inhabit any person but not every person is compatible.
Usually Elbie stay in the brain where there's the most electrical activity but they can stay in any part of the body.
Anyone can be a host, but the chances are slim. There are 89 designations in one collective and 6 billion+ humans. We know of 3 collectives.
Elbie do not have any religious beliefs of their own.
Elbie are not good or evil. They do not have morality.
Elbie do not have personalities. They conform to the disposition of their host and may carry residual traits from their last host.
Elbie do not have emotions. They can experience the emotions of their host and in some cases may influence emotions.
Elbie do not have personal names, they go by their designation in the hierarchy. Some choose to adopt the name of their host.
Elbie have no way of holding memory on their own. Only with a host can they recall impressions of their past.
Some Elbie have been on Earth for hundreds of years and have had many hosts.
Being A Good Host
As a host you can get deep restful sleep while still being fully aware of your surroundings.
Being a host would not increase your intelligence just the ability to use your brain to its highest potential.
When you're a host you may experience memories, cravings, or interests that you didn't have before, these are from your Elbie's prior host.
Hosts can experience increased physical strength, accelerated healing, and improved cognitive function. Effects will vary.
If their host is feeling tired an Elbie can give them a controlled boost of adrenaline for extra energy.
A host's body temperature is a few degrees higher than a non-host.
Elbie can help with your metabolism, thyroid, insulin, serotonin, anything related to the endocrine system. Increase white blood cells too.
To accelerate healing Elbie travel along the nervous system to the wound, speed up cellular growth while activating the proper chemical mix.
Elbie can signal to your body to create more white blood cells or antibodies to preempt sickness.
Most people can only handle 1 Elbie at a time. Some people can carry 2 but it is much more straining.
Elbie can also be like an internal health monitor that can make adjustments when needed to keep body temperature and chemicals in balance.
Being a host is like having a co-pilot in your head but since they don't get human behavior most of them make terrible wingmen.
Re: Elbie as wingman. Elbie can help a host out by producing extra pheromones that would make their host seem more attractive.
Code of Conduct
Elbie under the COC will relinquish control if the host wants it at any time. Elbie are the guest, the host is doing the Elbie a favor.
Elbie under the COC agree to share control with their host. Decisions are mutually agreed upon between the person and the Elbie.
Elbie under the COC agree to stay with one host. They will not transfer to another person, even if temporarily, without notification to us.
The Elbie COC dictates an Eblie must have explicit permission to transfer to another human for any reason.
This Code of Conduct cannot be enforced outside of the DPA but we do ask all registered hosts to consider adopting it for their own safety.