The world is such a fascinating place full of interesting people and TAL goes after it with zeal and compassion. I am not doing it justice. Just go check it out. If you get the chance to see it live, do it!
Some favorite episodes include, but not limited to:
~10 Commandments
~Secret Worlds
~24 Hours at the Golden Apple
~Three Kinds of Deception
~Poultry Slam (all of them)

Radiolab is the first place I learned about the field of science called Emergence. Even you don't like science you will like this show. The hosts Jad and Robert are a lot of fun to listen to and the people that talk to are amazing.
Some favorite episodes include, but not limited to:
~Unraveling Ravel
~Yellow Fluff and Other Curious Encounters
~Apocalyptical - Live from the Paramount in Seattle
Click on the pictures to be taken to their websites and start exploring.