Transformers: Age of Extinction is not the worst one so far. That title still belongs to Revenge of the Fallen.
Look, let’s just decide right now that Transformers movies can only be judged against other Transformer movies. At most you can only compare Transformer movies against other Michael Bay movies. Feel better now?
Having said that, this is my biggest beef with TF4. It feels the same as all the other ones. Lots of explosions, drawn out fight sequences, car chases, and stupid humor. Now if that is what you are looking for great, Michael Bay is the director of your dreams. Time for a change Mr. Bay. Me? I want giant robots interacting with other giant robots, and not strictly with return fire and laser swords. One review I read said, just watch one of the others and I think that is true. As I sat through the movie I was mostly bored.
Other issues. What the heck with the Lockdown’s ship being an Autobot vessel with a Latin name no one is quite sure what it’s called? Lockdown mentions that Optimus makes #9. 9 of what? Primes? What’s with Sword in the Stone imagery? Optimus tells the Dinobots they’re free and they wander off into the Chinese countryside. Does anyone else have a problem with that? And then there is the overabundance of humans. No one goes to a movie about giant robots to see humans, period.
The only redeeming value of TF4 is the promises it makes about the next one. The last image is of Optimus leaving earth to literally go meet his makers. Will this be The Quintessons, Primus, or Unicron? Such action also leads me to believe, hope and pray that the next one will not be on earth. Optimus has the seed, which we all know is the Key to Vector Sigma (from the episode of the same name), so there is hope of a new world for them. And then there is the mystery of Lockdown blowing up Autobots and taking their Spark chambers. As long as the Spark is intact then those robots just need new bodies. So what's he saving them for, the makers? Are those on the ship, who has the ship, the Autobots or the humans?
If I had to pick a favorite I will stick with TF3: Dark Side of the Moon because it is the one most based on the original cartoon series. The core of the plot was derived from “The Ultimate Doom” in which Megatron successfully transports Cybertron into Earth’s orbit to harness the energy that is created from all the natural disasters that happen as a result of such a crazy act. Dark Side also has a nod to “Atlantis Arise” where the Decpticons take over Washington DC. TF4 was based off of The Key to Vector Sigma which Megatron uses the key to convert Earth into new Cybertron, but is of course thwarted.
I liked what they did with Galvatron and I loved Bingbing Li's character. Otherwise my overall feeling about Age of Extinctions is: Meh.