"Arrival" came from his first collection of short stories titled, "Stories of Your Life, and others." "Stories of Your Life" is the short story that "Arrival" was taken from. I was completely fascinated by the idea of how language shapes our perception of reality. That idea is explored much more deeply in the text of story. Not to mention how does one write a story when time is not perceived in a linear manner. If you have not watched the movie this will not make any sense.
All that to say, each story in his first collection was unique and memorable. When I saw that he had another collection, Exhalation, I bought it without hesitation. I was not disappointed. Again each story so full of imagination. Ted Chiang's stories are also packed with philosophy and wonder.
Every single story in both books feel like wholly separate and fully realized worlds. It's mind blowing to be honest. I think he is a singular talent and I can't wait to read whatever he comes up with next.