Sometimes I go see old movies at Castro Theater. When you are in a room full of people who have just paid $10 plus dollars for a movie that is 10-30 years old you know those people are fans and they show it.
The craziest audience I have sat in was for Breaking Dawn. I do not like those movies but the fans are amazing. In the final fight scene I was astounded and the cheers and booing that went on with each decapitation. It was a spectacle to be sure.
Doctor Who fans at the 50th anniversary showing were the best. They are all so loyal and fun. Getting people to pay to watch TV in a movie theater is a pretty impressive feat.
My favorite is when they did the re-release of the original Star Wars trilogy. Again, people paying full price for something they've seen dozens, if not hundreds or times. Luke telling the emperor that he was a Jedi, like his father before him, filled the room with cheers. It was awesome. I suspect that Star Wars VII will be an enthusiastic showing.
In case you missed my official Twitter review of Jurassic World it was: Jurassic World was AAAAAAAHHHHHsome! Not for the faint of heart.