The other nice element is that the relationship between the male and female lead doesn't ever degenerate into romance. I only say degenerate because if I'm going to a movie about giant robots I don't want to watch humans flirting or kissing or being forced into any other completely unnecessary situations. Unlike some other giant robot movies that shall remain nameless.
I was reading the Wiki page on the movie and learned how del Toro structured the plot around the character arcs between each set of charcater relationships. It made me realize why he is such a great director and why his movies are so good. There is a thoughtfulness to the cause and effect of each scene. There are not arbitrary scenes for sake of some ridiculous need to blow shit up, unlike some other giant robot movies that shall remain nameless.
I'm not saying it's an academy award winner but, unlike some other giant robot movies that shall remain nameless, it is worth your time and your money.
You can read my review here.