There are two versions of Gifted.
There is the one that I have posted on Smashwords, Scribd, and Wattpad. Then there is the one I've posted on this blog back in 2013 (link below.) I changed it after taking it to a workshop and getting feedback. That version had L'heilh in it. She is Esben/Edward's assistant in the books.
L'heilh has been replaced with Pandora in the new version.
Here's the secret. The main character David works for the US Patent Office. Pharmaceutical companies, like Alpha Cortex Solutions from the books, have to patent all their formulas so they can charge exorbitant prices for them. If a drug company were to have an inside man to get the patents they wanted and to block those of their competitors, it would give them a huge advantage. This is why I choose L'heilh first, to make the link directly to Alpha Cortex. But no matter, Esben/Edward have plenty of Elbie to help him get what he wants. Or does he?
Gifted version 1
Gifted version 2
If you get a chance to read them both let me know which you prefer.