How time is treated varies from culture to culture. I think you can break it down to a quantity versus quality issue. In American most restaurants want to turn tables over as quickly as possible. My experience in Italy is that they will not disturb yo until you are ready to move on. (We spent an hour waiting for the check until we realized people were signaling the waiter.) In one country being late is inexcusable and another it’s expected.
I know the whole tracking time thing with clocks was so that trains could be scheduled and the arrival of loved ones at an expected time, I kind of like not knowing what time it is. When you are waiting for five o’clock it takes forever. When you ignore the clock altogether it tends to speed up.
There is one thing that is true about time no matter how you perceive or experience it. It moves on. It keeps going. It marches forward. Maybe at varying speeds but it does not stop for any man or woman, Time Lord or human.